Hi there!! I am tring to buid a sample loader that searchs inside the pd folder for .wav files to load in the patch. So the user can have different sounds to play. I did it in pure data and works fine. The user need to be able to choose different samples from time to time.
My problem is when i try to adapt that to work on mobile.
First i tried mobmuplat but it doesnt have openpanel and i just could make a patch with sound pre choosed by me. It worked but the user is not able to change sounds and need to use the sounds pre loaded. Then i tried with pd droid party because it has a abstraction named loadsave for androis devices. I made a patch that has 1 channel of audio to be loaded and it work fine in pd. But when i tried to add a second channel it didnt work. I think it must be some problem with the instantiation and the $ signs i used. i can send my
patch if anyone could help me i really appreciate!!![
Making a sample loader in PD that works in an android
You've posted several threads about the same issue. Whae_Av / David pointed you to pddroidparty's homepage for documentation on their custom abstractions. There's a provided [loadsave] object that ought to work (quoted from https://droidparty.net):
[loadsave] - Wraps and openpanel/savepanel type of interface into a single abstraction that lets the user specify or choose filenames using the Android interface.
The [loadsave] abstraction takes an argument specifying it's inititial directory. Other than that I have troubles seeing where you could go wrong, But do try to zip everything, attach it here and let me, and others, have a go at it.