@whale-av WOW!!! The 'rack' system is awesome, it's such a great way to store information
Unfortunately [initbang] isn't working for me. I'm running PD vanilla on an RPI 3 with l2ork+extended library paths, but when I try loading [iemguts/initbang] / [initbang] PD can't seem to find them. Which is strange since l20rk and pd-extended both have working [initbang] objects, however their builds aren't stable enough to load this patch. I've been looking for the external location, however I could only manage to find the help file 
I substituted [initbang] for just a [bang] and I was able to see how the 'rack' system works, but I feel like I'm gonna need [initbang] or some sort of workaround to get this working.
Looking ahead, the final step that would make this an effect tool would be an 'open' button in the graph-to-parent, one that would just 'open' the window/abstraction that the effect was in so you can edit parameters 
Thanks again for all the help