Hi guys, could you help me with my problem. I'm working on multitrack sequencer (sampler). I'm almost done but stil have isue that i can't divide audio signals from the first and second track. I want that first track (pd 1) will play one sound and second track (pd2) have to play another sound. Impossible. Plase help me.kostistlac_seq_001.pd
Help! I can't divide signals from two tracks playing different samples
I will help you!
In your two sub-patches, pd1 and pd2, you are using the same variable names (phase and cutoff). If you re-name them in one (or both) of the sub-patches, ie, phase1 / cutoff1 & phase2 / cutoff2, it will work.
When you are running PD, every workspace/window can send and receive values.
So you have to be careful with your names... even if they're two totally different patches, if both use a variable named "boomboom," you'll have them talking to each other.