• seb-harmonik.ar

    @nicnut one thing that would make it simpler is to use a 2-dimensional array. Pd doesn't have them natively but you can just multiply the 1st index by the size of the 2nd dimension and add
    Instead of your giant 'if 1st thing = x and 2nd thing = y output z' you can just look up z using x and y as indices.

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  • seb-harmonik.ar

    @nicnut I think you're describing a markov chain. there's an example of one in the help files: 2.control.examples/21.markov.chain.pd

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  • seb-harmonik.ar

    you could make a simple abstraction that just outputs a certain number when banged:

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  • seb-harmonik.ar

    sounds like some gui object might have a bad send name or something.
    only way to fix it is open your patch with a text editor and search for the offending string (in this case "1994") and repair it

    either that or you've installed a non-working tcl plugin
    posting all similar lines would be helpful as they show which tcl commands actully fail

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  • seb-harmonik.ar

    @fishcrystals the main alternative in this case would be to use polyblep I think.
    I'm planning on making some objects to add polyblep residuals but I thought some vanilla polyblep logic already exists in some libraries, can't think of which right now. (I thought maybe https://github.com/MikeMorenoDSP/pd-mkmr/tree/master but can't see anything at 1st glance)

    you could look at these papers for more info:

    edit: actually cz synths had aliasing afaik..

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  • seb-harmonik.ar

    @polle if you want to use linear interpolation you can make your own linear interpolator. I feel like there might be an external to do it but can't think of it.

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  • seb-harmonik.ar

    @anvlkv for [out~] it is finding it, there's no issue (you're just seeing the loader trying binaries first in the logs). So maybe you want to suppress those logs somehow (I forget right now, there might be some verbose setting either while compiling or running..)

    as for the other error, it probably has to do with how the search paths are set up (I'm not that familiar w/ libpd..). Anyways for an easy (but not best) fix I think it should work if you create the object like just [lb]

    But to me it's odd for 'else' just to sit in your .app file directly.. I would at least put else in some subdirectory (like 'extra_obj'), and set your pd path to it instead, then in your pd patch create every object like [else/out~].

    I thought the accepted place to put things like that was some subdirectory of Resources though..

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  • seb-harmonik.ar

    true, don't try to use [expr] for everything.
    The purpose of [expr] is to evaluate mainly mathematical expressions. yes it has an 'if' function but the main purpose is simple expressions.

    so, put your loop/running sum outside of the [expr]s. you can use [until] to generate a loop

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  • seb-harmonik.ar

    @brendanmac it's not really common practice afaik (usually just range -1 to 1), but it could make your product more usable/accessible.
    If you want to do that I would at least use RMS, but perceptual loudness can get way more complex

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