• ryan7585

    Oh and I should also say.. I did build a Linux vst from source and try that. Those were the .so files I tried. No luck

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  • ryan7585

    Most VST's don't provide source code I can use to compile an ARM version.. Are you saying I can only use ones that do?

    I tried redoing it with the wine host after i got wine installed, but I'm worried I may have screwed up the order of operations somehow. I'm not entirely sure. I may need to start over from a fresh OS image and do things in a certain order for it to work.

    This time I did the order I said.... installed PD, Upgraded to bookworm, reinstalled PD for 64 bit... built vstplugins, failed to get it to work... installed wine, tried dll, failed... tried rebuilding vstplugins after wine install, with wine host option ON.... tried again with dll, failed.

    I'm thinking it needs to be more like....install pd, install wine, then build vstplugins with the correct options the first time.

    But.... if it can only use vst's I compile myself, I don't much see the point.

    I also wondered about that utility that flashes windows to an SD card that pi can boot from. Supposedly a way to run windows on a Pi. Then I would think it would have no trouble with anything windows related... But that still doesn't change my ARM processor.... so could even that not be able to run a regular old windows dll vst?

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  • ryan7585

    Has anyone had success with this? I’m running a Pi 4B with an image that I upgraded from the bullseye edition of Raspbian, to bookworm (I plan to eventually move to pi 5) . It boots up fine and all is well with puredata. But I want to get vstplugins~ working for a new project. I successfully built the external, and puredata recognizes it, but it won’t load any Linux vsts (.so)….. Just won’t even try. So I figured maybe it only works with windows vst’s. So installed pi-apps and used that to install wine. got wine working with box86, and got wine to load the windows version of Audacity successfully. Then tried again with vstplugin~, this time loading a windows DLL vst. Now it says it can’t bridge the architecture… terminal says no host exists that can bridge to i386. Now I’m pretty much stuck

    I’m no Linux guru and it’s a miracle I even got this far so any help anyone can provide would be very appreciated. Thanks!

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  • ryan7585

    Seems to work in every other way... But maybe this is the issue

    I would have figured, though, that they would have written the code in a way that would account for differering amounts of pins. Arduinos dont all have the same number of pins right?

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  • ryan7585

    after further testing.... pins 8-13 also work fine as digital outs. pins 28-37 are the problem pins. they work as digital inputs without issue, but do not work as digital outs. I've also tried it with a second teensy to rule out a bad board... same problem


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  • ryan7585

    The title pretty much says it all. I have set the pinmode for pins 32-37 to digital out, yet they refuse to output any voltage when I send commands. It works fine for pins 0-7 so I'm kind of baffled. is there a maximum number of output pins with pduino or firmata? Or does anyone know what else could cause this?

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  • ryan7585

    I was able to solve my issue by using the Firmata-Analog example script rather than the Firmata-Standard. Not sure if it will work in your case but it did for me!

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  • ryan7585

    I am running this on a Raspberry Pi 4 model B with 2G RAM (latest Rasbian OS installed), with a Teensy ++ 2. I installed arduino IDE and TeensyDuino, and loaded the StandardFirmata firmware to the teensy successfully.However when I open Pd-L2Ork, and load the arduino-test.pd file from the Pduino examples, nothing is working, and I get the following error on repeat:

    error: gatom_list: need float or symbol

    If I delete the subpatch that is above the analog input numberboxes, those errors stop. Then, I am able to use the patch to select a comport. the comport opens successfully:

    [comport] opened serial line device 1 (/dev/ttyAMA0)

    But then, if I try to do anything like enable an analog input or request the firmware version, nothing works, and I get the following error:

    error: [comport]: Write failed for 0 bytes, error is 2

    And then... after trying one thing or another a few times, pure data crashes entirely. I have searched google for a solution but am coming up short. Does anyone have any idea what might be happening?

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  • ryan7585

    And thanks again for taking a look guys... I can work on it from here but if anyone has any ideas I'm all ears!

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  • ryan7585


    here is a super-simplified version, with a waveform display and play/write head indicator sliders.. for diagnostic purposes

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Internal error.

Oops! Looks like something went wrong!