• gentleclockdivider

    @porres said:

    @gentleclockdivider said:

    The uzi spits outs values 1-64

    you probably want 0-63, and help file of [uzi] tells you how to set from 0 with the 2nd argument, The trigger part is bad, you should have just first sent it to the right then to the left, but I just simplified the whole thing by just using [expr] to do it all... I am also using [loop] from ELSE which I think has a better desing and works best

    I dont know why you say the trigger part is bad .
    Sure I could have send it first to the right inlet of write and then left (which I have don previously ) , but using a TBF for the index I am sure that value at the left input ( float module ) will be triggered by tbf

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  • gentleclockdivider

    Can someone help me out here , I've done this a million times but this is really getting on me
    The uzi spits outs values 1-64
    It first goes into the expr..which divides the uzi stream ( $f1 ) by the length o the table (64) , multiplied by 2pi radians .
    This goes into a cosine into ( cold inlet )of float .
    The float is banged only when the TBF has written it's first index .
    Problem is that the first value is never written .
    I've disconnected the order multiple times and the same result occurs .
    Only when reloading the patch it works fine ( edit it doesn't )

    [uzibug.pd](/uploads/files/1714834042641-uzibug.pd) Insert Code Here
    #N canvas 827 239 527 327 12;
    #X obj 385 680 tabwrite this, f 39;
    #N canvas 0 0 450 250 (subpatch) 0;
    #X array this 64 float 2;
    #X coords 0 1 64 -1 450 215 1;
    #X restore 148 69 graph;
    #X floatatom 72 471 5 0 0 0 - - - 12;
    #X msg 72 530 \; this color \$1 \;;
    #X obj 435 309 bng 60 250 50 0 empty empty Bang\ \  68 30 0 44 #333333 #eeeeee #e43009;
    #X obj 385 580 cos;
    #X msg 193 532 \; this width \$1 \;;
    #X floatatom 193 471 5 0 0 0 - - - 12;
    #X obj 385 643 f;
    #X obj 435 394 uzi 64, f 30;
    #X obj 385 514 expr ($f1/64)*(3.1415*$f2), f 23;
    #X floatatom 722 428 5 0 0 0 - - - 12;
    #X obj 622 600 t b f;
    #X obj 727 319 loadbang;
    #X msg 728 394 2;
    #X msg 816 360 \; this color 298 \; this width 2 \;;
    #X connect 2 0 3 0;
    #X connect 4 0 9 0;
    #X connect 5 0 8 1;
    #X connect 7 0 6 0;
    #X connect 8 0 0 0;
    #X connect 9 2 10 0;
    #X connect 9 2 12 0;
    #X connect 10 0 5 0;
    #X connect 11 0 10 1;
    #X connect 12 0 8 0;
    #X connect 12 1 0 1;
    #X connect 13 0 14 0;
    #X connect 13 0 15 0;
    #X connect 14 0 11 0;

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  • gentleclockdivider

    @whale-av said:

    So is it possible that it was it [cyclone/line~] that you tested in your opening post? .... as you separated the pairs in that screenshot?

    No , because cyclone line can only be instantiated with cyclone/line~
    In my first post , I separated the pairs in the message because I was pretty sure pd line~ did not accept multiple pairs contrary to what the info bubble said.

    After all , vline~ would be my first choice since it's more capable compared to cyclone/line~
    It's all good now ,

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  • gentleclockdivider

    It's obviously a name clash .
    Regular Line~ is instantiated despite the info showng cyclone , for cyclone one should instantiate cyclone/line~
    All good

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  • gentleclockdivider

    @ddw_music said:

    The reference panel says "Origin: cyclone." This tells you that it did not load the vanilla [line~] object -- it loaded the one from cyclone, which is modeled after Max's [line~], which does accept a series of breakpoint pairs.


    It does not accept multiple pairs , even the cyclone one.
    This should go to 1 instantlly , to 0 in 200ms, back to 1 in 100mS and back to 0 in 100 ms
    It doesn't
    As a matter of fact , I think the reference to cyclone is just wrong , because pure data vanilla loads it fine and I don't have any externals at all


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  • gentleclockdivider

    Plug data 0.8.3
    Hover your mouse over the left inlet
    Also right click the object , choose reference and it will aslo show the wrong info

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  • gentleclockdivider

    Is this in error in plugdata pop up help ?
    It says the line~is capable 128 target-time pairs , afaik only two targets are possible in 1 message box

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  • gentleclockdivider

    Three operaotrs in single feedback loop

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  • gentleclockdivider

    Yes , indeed confusing .
    I never brought up the second discussion , I was only interested in display of the chords
    I know how to make abstractions , :)
    Thanks all fo the suggestions

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  • gentleclockdivider

    Different methods of using 1unit sample feedback loops

    Why are these important , for doing karplus strong , and for FM operator feedback ( where an operator is a phasor~into cos ~)
    The only rules are
    1-It needs to be in subpatcher
    2- an explicit block~ module has to be inserted 'block~1 '
    You can achieve 1 unit feedback with delwrite~ and delread~ ( make sure delay time is 0 )
    Or you can use a " tabsend~ tabread~" ,or "tabsend~ tabreceive~" when the tabsend~ method is used , it's crucial that an array is created withe same name .
    The size of the array doesn't really matter , since only the first sample of the array is used to write into.
    Here are some examples of the different methods
    Left is the carrier ( phasor~ into cos~) , right is the modulator with self feedback .
    I also added phase shift to the modulator to create a perfect trian1.jpg gle ,which is only possible with operator feedback and phase shift

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  • gentleclockdivider

    @whale-av said:

    @gentleclockdivider "Let's recap , a chord ( thus separate incoming midi notes perceived as a chord ) goes into pure data , I want to extract the midi note values .
    UNpack -only unpacks last received note+velocity , that's why I wrote that an object that detects the time between incoming events could be the solution .
    SO let's say I play a simple c min (midiin) , which has the midi note nr's 48 , 51 , 55 ....I want these these to appear in separate numboxes ."

    [unpack] produces all the note numbers...... but you only see the last..... a [print] will show them.
    As I said at the start of this thread, [poly] will separate them for you as it indexes the notes.
    You could then use [route] to separate them but [clone] is more useful as you can clone a synth inside if you wish.
    The indexes from [poly] can be used to allocate the notes to the clones, and [poly] then ensures that you have no hanging notes as the noteoff messages are allocated the same index.

    As the idea of a chord is human and has no meaning in Pd, midi, or even on a keyboard, why would you need to group the notes together with a timer or a threshold.... I am just curious...
    To correct bad keyboard technique...?

    The method using [poly] and [route] is shown in your Pd/doc folder....... Pd/doc/7.stuff/synth/1.poly.synth.pd .... since at least 2011.

    I reall think we have a communication error here .
    I know that a chord does not exist in pure data -midi etc...and that it's a sequential message of single notes , I have expresed that in my first post .
    I am also aware that only the last of the messages is shown by the unpack module .

    • quote-

    As the idea of a chord is human and has no meaning in Pd, midi, or even on a keyboard, why would you need to group the notes together with a timer or a threshold.... I am just curious...
    To correct bad keyboard technique...?
    -unquote -
    Bad keyboard technique ??
    I just wanted pure data to SHOW all incoming midi notes that make up the chord , not in the console but in the structure view ., , your treshold value example did that .
    Why is it so bizarre to ask for that , max msp has a dedicated object for exactly that , says enough .

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  • gentleclockdivider

    Thanks ,
    And how would one do it with the poly object ( if possible ) ?

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  • gentleclockdivider

    The borax object gives all the info ,nr of note on's that are held , timing between notes ( chord remember ) and the note nr ( again only the last one in the stream ).
    There has to be some kind of module that stores all the incoming-separate notes so we can then later extract the note values

    The first part of this video shows exactly what I am dealing with , max msp has an object called quicktresh which detect all the incoming notes ( if played fast like a chord ) and shows the notes numbers .
    This object probably uses an internal timer to seperate the incoming notes , hence see my first post why I think such an object would solve my problem
    So ..how to do this in pure data ?

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  • gentleclockdivider

    @whale-av said:

    @gentleclockdivider You should post your incoming message, as there is no such thing as a chord in midi.
    It is likely that it is a series of note velocity pairs arriving in a fast sequence.
    If so, then [poly] and [clone].
    If not there will be a solution, but we cannot help without knowing the problem.

    Did you read my first post ?
    I am aware that midi is a serial protocol and chords are just separate notes send after each other
    Since a chord is essentialy multiple messages send in serial order
    Let's recap , a chord ( thus separate incoming midi notes perceived as a chord ) goes into pure data , I want to extract the midi note values .
    UNpack -only unpacks last received note+velocity , that's why I wrote that an object that detects the time between incoming events could be the solution .
    SO let's say I play a simple c min (midiin) , which has the midi note nr's 48 , 51 , 55 ....I want these these to appear in separate numboxes .

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  • gentleclockdivider

    So just using pd vanilla objects won't cut it ?
    Edit , I mean poly is part of vanilla but I have hard time how to set it up to seperate the incoming notes ( chord )

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  • gentleclockdivider

    How does one unpack a chord into the separate (note ) values ?
    Since a chord is essentialy multiple messages send in serial order , the unpack is of no use ( it unpacks a single note +velo )
    An object with a time interval between incomming messages would solve it , but I cant't find any

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  • gentleclockdivider

    I see , I wrongfully assummed that the table y range automatically disregards the negative parts , while in fact it's just not shown ( in case of plugdata ) but it's still read out .

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  • gentleclockdivider

    No idea if your trying to be funny or not

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  • gentleclockdivider

    @whale-av said:

    @gentleclockdivider No idea. The only [uzi] I know of outputs only bangs.
    It's not a good idea to have objects or abstractions with the same names.
    If it is an abstraction that you made maybe call it [g-uzi] so that [uzi] cannot be loaded by mistake.
    Is it one you made?,
    Or please tell us where it can be found.
    Or explain its functions so that we can try to understand.

    When you have problems it is a good idea to upload the patch.
    That would be very helpful.
    No-one really wants to spend time making it again so as to see what is going on.

    It's the uzi rfom cyclone library , no abstraction
    THe right outlet of uzi = nr of bangs whichcan de used to adress the index points of a table
    Edit ...now I've made one with until to be compatible with PD vanilla

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