Drum Power drum-power is a drum machine in an abstration; It has one inlet for control messages and two outlets for stereo audio out; There are receives for two global messages global-settings and global-timer; The global-settings receives the same messages as the inlet; The global-timer receive expects a bang every 10ms to advance the sequence at the specified BPM; The following messages can be sent; [power n( n = 1 or 0; [toggle patten n x 32( n = 1 or 0 switches the editor toggles on or off; [load filepath( load the settings; [save filepath( save the settings; [clear( clears the settings; [reset( go to start; [quit( clears the editor objects and quits puredata; [node setval n1 n2( n1 = slider value 0-127, n2 = index 0-31; A list can be sent eg. [node setval 76 0, node setval 81 1, node setval 76 2, node setval 83 3, node setval 76 4, node setval 79 5, node setval 81 6, node setval 76 7, node setval 84 8, node setval 76 9, node setval 86 10, node setval 76 11, node setval 83 12, node setval 84 13(; ; Using: Open the drum-power-gui.pd, this presents three drum-powers and a control; The are 21 icon displays and a main editor; Clicking an icon will update the editor and adjustments in the editor are shown in the icon; Basically the icons at the top are for the oscillator and the bottom for noise with an echo/delay for each at the right; Save using the save group button use just a single name and a file for each drum-power will be saved with a -1 -2 and -3 appended; Load using the load group button and select any of the 3 files this will load all three drum-powers with the right file; The easiest way to set the sliders is set the toggles at the top of the editor and use the vslider at the left; A lowercase 'n' will toggle the slider values but they are float and I couldn't find a way to make them integer; Requires pd-extended, or vanilla with cyclone/tanh~ motex/pan~ cyclone/mousestate and iemlib/splitfilename; ; Check out the samples in the 'Saved' folder;