concerning the circle: The easiest way I found is just drawing a polygon with xy1=[0,0], xy2=[0,0] and using the line-width as the radius.. This will produce a fat point. It's actually not round but works well with 'not so big' graphics.
For a circle just place an other point inside the first one that's slightly smaller while having the backgrounds color..
I've never managed to properly graph a data struct window on parent, what is the trick?
What's the problem?
It took me some time and tries and errors but once one gets it, the whole data-structure-thing is actually pretty straight forward..
...although there are some nasty "refreshment bugs" like suddenly things hide below other things when maximizing a window or something like that..anyways..
1. Create a "graphics-subpatch" eg. [pd $0mygraphics] to insert the scalars into..
Don't place objects there!
2. Make the subpatch "graph on parent" (& hide object-name etc...) and select the "X- and Y-range" according to the positions of the scalars inside the subpatch. The "Size" determines the size of the subpatches GOP-frame, and the margin is I guess not doing anything right here.
=>This will make the setted number of pixels from inside the subpatch fit into the "subpatches GOP-frame"
...if you have placed scalars outside the "X- and Y-range" the GOP-frame will be stretched accordingly..
3. ...if you haven't done already, put the scalars into the subpatch
4. Now just make the abstraction "graph on parent" as usual and place the "GOP-graphics-subpatch-object"
inside the red rectangle ..that appeared because we have objects inside this patch (in contrast to the "graphics-subpatch").
5. ..ehm that's it, I guess.. oh save and use anywhere.. 